Week #7: My Digital Identity

Who are we? Who do we want to be, and how do we get there? I find this set of questions troubling in an age in which we are immersed in our digital identities. Selfies that show that we are happy, having fun with friends, pictures of all of the good things in our lives. It is easy to create an identity that makes us look like we all have it “together” and are coasting through life without a worry.

When I reflect on my past, present and future practices related to my own digital identity, I find that they are quite different.

When visited by my digital identity ghost of Adam’s past I am quite surprised at how open I was, lots of pictures and lots of status updates! I was definitely an over sharing digital citizen. This was only for one outlet however, Facebook. I was never really big on social networks up until Facebook and even then…I was late to that party. Once I created that account the flood gates opened. I was able to be connected to family and friends in a simpler way. I had no idea what a digital identity really was.

Fast forward to my visit by my digital identity ghost of Adam’s present. My digital identity looks quite a bit different. I have accounts on Facebook (private), Instagram (private), Twitter, Google Suites, WordPress, and Snapchat. The majority of my sharing through major digital media outlets now consists of photos with a little blurb. I still consider this action in my life over sharing however, as they are pictures of me and my family. This really makes me think about my children and their identities through my online accounts as well. I do ask them if it is okay if I share pictures they are in and I’m sure that permission will fade as they grow older. The majority of the other outlets I do manage to keep really professional, I actually think that I could probably post more.


At last the long awaited visit from the dreaded digital identity ghost of Adam’s future. Unlike past and present Adam, I would like to think that I will maintain utilizing social media in the same ways I use them today. I say this because I don’t let them run my life and I am on them quite sparingly. I would hope that I am able to use them in more connective ways to collaborate with others and create connections.

When I think about how my students digital identities I am always quite surprised to see that they are still a little out to lunch. In the past I have had a student put on their status update “Mr. Williams please get hit by a bus!”, Students showed me the post and very quickly action was taken by our Admin to correct this behavior, as well as all of the kids that liked the comment. It was a wake up call for those students. These digital outlets come with a great responsibility that we need to instill in the future generations.

I am curious as to how my children will manage their digital identities. As of right now not one of them has an account for social media. I have to make sure that they see the way that I am using it and that they know what they post is for the public to see.



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3 Responses to Week #7: My Digital Identity

  1. bradraes7578 says:

    the ghost of updates past… classic. This movie could be remade based on social media for sure!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. mnhegi says:

    Love this post and howled at the ghost of updates past. Perfect text to media connection and while old, still relevant!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. mrdimuro says:

    Wow, so am I speaking to the ghost of Adam future? 🙂 Loved that comparison you made.

    One thing you said that struck me:
    It is easy to create an identity that makes us look like we all have it “together” and are coasting through life without a worry.

    Certainly the case with social media… you get to post only what you want to post… I’ve tried an experiment where I took a few exciting pictures all in about 5 minutes (one on the car ride there, one while we were in the water, and one at the end, and also a few during our lazy river boat quest, and one at dimly lit restaurant we attended later), and posted them throughout the day. The general comments were I must have been having an amazing day. I can tell you having a flat tire when we got back to our vehicle was not so much fun, nor was one of our rafts exploding, and losing our lunches (hence the restaurant trip later). Didn’t post those. Today, I would totally post that because I think it is funny.

    Thanks for a post that made me think.

    Liked by 1 person

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