Week #9: It’s Lit to be Digitally Literate!

In this weeks blog we were asked to talk about being literate in today’s world. It is a pretty broad question which covers a number of subject areas. Literacy is an all encompassing term when looking at the different skills we need to be successful at what we do, whether that is studying, working, reading, utilizing technology, etc.. Literacy has grown over time to cover these areas. Although we work through our schools to help students become literate in many different areas, one of the most important literacy skills in our current climate is that of digital literacy.

We had two presentations this week from some fellow students who had some great points. In Shelby and Brad’s vlog they shared an acronym, that was very new to me, that I thought was really valuable, IMVAIN, pictured below.

Image result for imvain source reliability


Utilizing these steps in our classrooms when educating our students about informative ways in which they should be researching and fact checking is crucial to their digital literacy. Daniel also talked about 10 ways to detect crap by Srividya Kumar, who asks important questions about the source being referenced and being very critical of the information and how it is being put into the universe. Tools like these, that we can equip or students with, are invaluable to their literacy online.

Amanda makes a good point stating that she talks about “the importance of raising digital leaders in a digital age who feel empowered to use tools online for good.” When we spend time teaching our students these skills their online literacy and crap detectors will become refined and they will be able to recognize fake and legitimate sources.

Being fully literate is a goal that educators strive to reach with each of their students. It is an accumulation of math literacy, literacy in words and language, through scientific knowledge and curiosity, historical backgrounds as well as through the arts and phys ed. If we work to enhance these skills mixed with a healthy dose of digital literacy our younger generations will be equipped to strive in an ever evolving technologically driven world.

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2 Responses to Week #9: It’s Lit to be Digitally Literate!

  1. teachertremblay says:


    First thing– the title of your blog post made me chuckle. Good play!

    Thanks for sharing such an insightful post! I agree with your perspective on students needing to become literate in many different areas, but digital literacy (I would venture to say) is the most important. Kids (and adults) interact with so many media messages through online news outlets or social media. There really is no escaping it! By being media and digitally literate, we become critical consumers of information. COVID-19 is a perfect example of when this skill becomes crucial to understanding major events and how to handle a global crisis. IMVAIN is new to me as well, but is something I plan on teaching to my students and working on practicing myself!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. mnhegi says:

    I appreciate and admire how you were able to mention many of the great works our classmates have shared. Seamless and so informative on the need for kids to be digitally literate in a variety of ways!

    Liked by 1 person

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